Provo, Utah
A Go Further Partnership
It all started when…
A few years ago, our partners moved to Provo, Utah, following God’s calling on their life. With a vision for serving a community, they have labored for five years, sewing seeds throughout their new community.
They have started an organization that holds regular meetings in which people of different backgrounds can discuss broad topics in a safe environment. This is a major way for God to move through them, bringing the lost to a comfortable environment and a place for them to speak freely without judgment.
They also have a weekly Bible study, in which lost people are in attendance. This is also a way for God to use our partners, as they open their home and build relationships with lost people.
While the job is certainly not easy, our partners press on, trusting God’s plan. They believe and have seen the Holy Spirit at work in Provo and are praying for more workers to join them in Utah.
A young couple is trusting God while building relationships with residents of the least reached city in the United States.
LOCATION: Provo, Utah
THE MISSIONARIES: A young couple and their two kids.
Pray for our partners as they work daily to build meaningful relationships with unreached people. Pray for their physical health and for their children. Pray for their finances and for wisdom as they follow God’s hand.
Pray that they encounter receptive people with softened hearts.
Pray for their events, that they can have meaningful discussions with the lost.
Our partners are completely dependent on private donations. CONTACT US for more information.
March 21-28 / Spring Break / $1,250 / 7-12 college students
September 6-12 / Fall Trip / $1,250 / 7-12 college students or adults