What happens at a Journey Group meeting?

You may seen a Journey Group meeting and not even realized it. A Journey Group can look like friends at lunch, teams playing basketball, or people studying a book or topic of interest. While each group may look a little different, each group spends time studying Scripture, engaging in life-giving conversation, and finding active ways to serve others.

At its core, a Journey Group is a small gathering of friends, and it is less about the what and more about the who.

Where do Journey Groups meet?

Life change happens best in relationships, not classrooms. In our culture, opening our lives and opening our homes can be rare. But when we do, we experience life-giving, authentic community with others in an extraordinary way. For this reason, Journey Groups meet in living rooms across Northeast Arkansas.

How often does a Journey Group meet?

Our Journey Groups meet per semester, for three semesters a year: Spring (January- April), Summer (June-July), and Fall (September-November). During the semester, most groups meet once a week. Journey Groups are meant to bring meaning and community into the flow of your life, so even if you can’t attend every meeting, there is still great value in joining a group.

Is childcare available?

We don’t want anything to stand in the way of you experiencing life-giving community in a Journey Group! For this reason, we are happy to reimburse families for childcare during Journey Groups! Just secure your own favorite babysitter, and submit the Childcare Reimbursement Form once a month! Click here for more details!

What if I don’t like the first Journey Group I try?

The truth is, not everyone will find the best fit with the first group they try. This is why we encourage you to select a few groups that interest you and try them out before choosing the best one for you. Need help? Fill out our FIND MY GROUP Survey, and we’ll happy to make some recommendations!

Why Journey Groups?

Deep in the history of Journey is a circle of friends gathering in a living room on a weeknight to be the church... laughing and eating and praying and digging into life and into the Word of God—together—then going out to demonstrate and declare the Gospel in their spheres of influence.

Journey Groups are designed to continue the foundation not only of our history, but of the history of the early church as described in book of Acts. We call our small groups Journey Groups because we are a church OF groups. Journey Groups function as HOUSE CHURCHES that each embody every element of the vision and mission of Journey.